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Chapter 1: Skymap Base Class

In this chapter we introduce the cartosky.Skymap base class and some of it's features.

We start by importing several classes from the skymap module and setting a few constants that we will use in this example.

At it's core, cartosky is a wrapper around cartopy. The core class cartosky.Skymap has its roots in the skymap package, which inherited from mpl_toolkits.basemap. When basemap reached EoL, cartosky was born!

Following basemap, the default projection for a cartosky.Skymap is Plate-Carree or "Cylindrical Equidistant" ('cyl') projection, which you may commonly think of as Cartesian mapping. Creating a basic map of the sky is as easy as creating a instance of the cartosky.Skymap class.

The example above is not very impressive in the 'cyl' projection, but the power of cartopy is that it allows you a much broader range of projections.

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